Saturday, 24 December 2011

Something for Christmas...

Merry Christmas from me @B3ARSK1LL and all the #bearmusic collaborators throughout the year, with special thanks going out to @I_Blame_Kate, @N_C_R, @YourLastRolo, @LewisKelly and @Ambershade for all our feedback and suggestions over the blogs first year. 
Here is a little festive treat in honor of you, a 5 day advent countdown featuring the coolest Christmas songs to listen to this holiday season!

The Kills' otherwise known as Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince performed this beautiful rendition of the classic Christmas carol, telling the tale of the pivotal part from the nativity. This track was recorded especially for the Queen of Indie Radio DJ, Miss Lauren Laverne and her BBC Radio 6 Music Show and it is available as a free download here, relax and enjoy....

The genius front man of the Super Furry Animals, Gruff Rhys has released a special 12 track EP for Christmas cunningly entitled 'the Aetheist Xmas'. Featuring a song about Christmas suicide its a parallel universe to the rest of the overly happy tripe out there, truly brilliant stuff.
The stand out track for me however is the first track, and slightly more upbeat than the aforementioned, 'Post Apocolypse Christmas' - need i say more? Wrap your ears around this....

OK, I admit it, I am one of the many that say and have said on this very blog "never touch the Smith's" but on the grounds I'm in a festive mood, I will grant this the same exception I granted Mark Ronson for his efforts. Both my idols Morrisey and Johnny Marr have publicly said they love it, so if its ok by them, its ok by me. The track features on the John Lewis Christmas advert and subsequent compilation album (can you hear the *KERCHING!*?) and to be honest any excuse to shoehorn in the Smiths into my blog its fine by me. 
This is the gorgeous, 29 year old, Liverpool born singer/songwriter Amelia Warner's, better known as Slow Moving Millie's beautifully haunting cover of 'Please, Please, Please Let me get what I want', which lets be honest is way better than Muse's attempt a decade ago in 2001...

The Black Keys are in my opinion the greatest band around of the moment; to read more of my love for them click here. Even better live than on record I get a chance to see them again in early  February and I literally cannot wait! I hope for your sake if you don't already own their latest masterpiece, the bands 7th album 'El Camino' released at the start of December, its either top of your Christmas list or your spending your vouchers on it come Boxing Day.
Taken from this, 'Hell of Season' is one of the stand out tracks and also very apt for the holiday season, because "in this hell of a season, gives me more of a reason to be with you..."

No alternative Christmas chart rundown would be complete without the ultimate Christmas duet. When king of cool, the musical demi-god that is David Bowie collaborated with possibly the greatest crooner of all time Bing Crosby an all time classic was born, you all know it, you all love it, "Little Drummer Boy/ Peace on Earth"...Merry Christmas everyone!!!

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