Saturday, 29 January 2011

Something Short and Sweet...

As you may of guessed from the title this weeks 'Something Old, New, Borrowed and Blue...' is a 'one hit wonder' special! So keeping with the name and much like the bands careers I will keep the rambling short and sweet.

Something Old...
With the new Call of Duty: Black Ops (imo, the greatest FPS in history - awesome, well balanced gameplay+ great map design...a must purchase!) - First Strike map pack released on Tuesday what better way to get in the mood? Canadian one hit wonders Buffalo Springfield (technically 3 top 100 billboards entires but to this was their only hit) who made this utterly brilliant track. It will immerse your mind in the 60's anti-war protest mindset. Forget the Doors 'The end' and the Stones 'Sympathy for Devil'/ 'Gimmie Shelter' this track is the greatest song for 'pwning n00bs' in a virtual vietnam - 'For what its worth' enjoy...

Something New...
As last week not strictly 'New' but this band should come as a refreshing surprise to alot of ears. Despite still being young they surprising have 7 full length albums under their belt, the New York experimental rock collective 'Dirty Projectors' are still yet to make their big break, often being branded by many narrow minded altmusic fans as being 'too hipster'. This track 'Stillness is the move' is their only 'hit' to date, never making a top 40 chart entry, however the video was vote MTV2's 'alternative video of the year' in 2009. It would seem that to push experimental music like this the recipie for succes for a video is:
  • a remote hilltop setting
  • three harmonising nuns
  • a geek in a field with a guitar
  • throw in some wolves
  • and a Llama!!!
  • not forgetting - most importantly an utterly genius song...

Something Borrowed...
In essence this track could be the ultimate 'one hit wonder'. The origional was a by one time popstar German singer Nena, sung in german '99 Luftballons' is a protest song telling a story of how balloons floating into the air at a Rolling Stones gig triggered an apocalyptic overreaction by military forces. In my opinion, the best cover version of the song is by LA animal rights activist 'pop/punk' band 'Goldfinger' and served as their only major hit single. Hope it brings a smile to your face...

Something Blue...
Not only blue in name, 'Blueboy' aka Scottish DJ Lex Blackmore released the track 'Remember Me' in 97. The track is also blue by nature as its built around a sample from "Woman of the Ghetto", 1969 soul song by Marlena Shaw, which is a polemic to legislators delivered by a woman from a black American ghetto. I guarentee you know the song and have probably forgotten how much you loved it, so what you waiting for? sit back and reminice...

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